Our commitment to culturally inclusive hair care services

AOTA is committed to building an equitable and inclusive profession by having practitioners implement cultural humility and provide culturally inclusive services in practice. Our resources introduce specific hair care practices of different cultures, religions, and traditions and the importance of implementing cultural humility into occupational therapy.


Importance of providing culturally inclusive services

Haircare is an important ADL that also supports participation in other occupations such as social and community participation. By focusing on occupational therapy’s role in the importance of the intersection between hair care and occupational identity, we can address the lack of diversity and knowledge that negatively impacts clients' health and well-being. Bias and systemic racism play a significant role in affecting the way one interacts with diverse individuals and can lead to occupational therapy practitioners furthering health inequities.

Download guide on culturally inclusive hair care services

Hair types, tools, and products

Diverse group of women


There are four different curl patterns that are further categorized into subcategories based on tightness and looseness of the curl pattern. The following lists the different types of curl patterns in each “type” of hair. Do not use products with alcohols, silicones, sulfates, or parabens.

Download hair types, tools, and products infographic

Hair care in different religions, cultures, and traditions

Diverse group of people huddled in a group


For many cultures and religions, hair is considered a part of one's identity. The following are a list of a few cultures, religions, and traditions occupational therapy practitioners are likely to encounter when working with clients.


Gray, J. & McMichael, J. (2016). Pseudofolliculitis barbae: understanding the condition and the role of facial grooming. International Journal of Cosmetic Science, 38(1), 24–27. https://doi.org/10.1111/ics.12331

Haircuts on Wheels. (2021, December 2). How important is hair care for the elderly?https://www.haircutsonwheels.ca/blog/how-important-is-hair-care-for-the-elderly

Hwaij, O. A. (n.d.). The benefits of hijab. https://escholarship.org/content/qt4c09451z/qt4c09451z_noSplash_ba1b41d129fa055a367f21077e2aa9cb.pdf?t=mp9493

Johnstone, P. L. W. (2019).The significance of long hair in Native American cultures. https://www.cavernacosmica.com/the-significance-of-long-hair-in-native-american-cultures/

Know Your Hairitage. (2022). African beauty traditions. https://knowyourhairitage.com/african-black-beauty-traditions-culture/?v=920f83e594a1

Levinbook, W. S. (2022).Pseudofolliculitis barbae. Merck. https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/dermatologic-disorders/hair-disorders/pseudofolliculitis-barbae

Milligan, A. K. (2014). Hair, headwear, and orthodox Jewish women: Kallah’s choice. Lexington Books.

Oresajo, C., Recherché, L., Kindred, C., Yatskayer, M., & Halder, R. (2009). Comparative evaluation of men’s depilatory products versus razor. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 60(3), AB99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2008.11.443
