AOTA and OTACC are pleased with the progress made in the development of an exam-based advanced certification program, with the first 3 certification exams determined (pediatrics, physical rehabilitation, and gerontology) and in various stages of development.
Developing a new certification exam is a rigorous process that takes multiple years and requires significant financial, volunteer, and staff resources. Careful consideration must be given to determine which specialty areas are best assessed by an exam process and would likely be successful if implemented as exam based. Additional areas for exam and development timelines have not been determined. AOTA and OTACC continuously review data on program performance and assess for future opportunities for exam development.
Advanced Certification is an important avenue to support career development, advancement, and capacity-building. At the same time, AOTA is involved in other association wide professional development initiatives to complement Advanced Certification including a robust Professional Certificate program, a cadre of Fellowship Programs, content from the practice and policy departments, continuing education courses, and on demand content.