Man and woman working together at table with laptop and other people
Everyday Advocacy

Promoting the profession

You know that occupational therapy is more than a profession—it’s a passion, and it’s about people. Use AOTA's promotion resources to spread the word about occupational therapy and advance your vital role.  

typing at laptop
tip sheet

Tips to promote the profession in the media

Explaining the profession's distinct value can be rewarding. The payoff for the profession can be huge: Spreading the word of the profession’s distinct value can help increase utilization of and demand for occupational therapy services because it helps explain what occupational therapy practitioners do, why that matters, and how it could help readers.

The following tips are geared toward occupational therapy practitioners of all levels to encourage an active role in promoting the profession in the media.

What to say when someone asks "what is occupational therapy?"

Occupational therapy is a science-driven, evidence-based profession that enables people of all ages to participate in daily living or live better with injury, illness, or disability. This is accomplished through designing strategies for everyday living and customizing environments to develop and maximize potential.

By taking the full picture into account—a person's psychological, physical, emotional, and social make-up—occupational therapy assists people in:

  • Achieving their goals
  • Functioning at the highest possible level
  • Concentrating on what matters most to them
  • Maintaining or rebuilding their independence
  • Participating in the everyday activities that they need to do or that simply make life worth living

Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants are experts in helping people perform the occupations they need and want to do every day.

A microphone in front of an audience.

Four ways to promote occupational therapy through the media

Journalists crave stories about how the profession changes people’s lives, and they need you to tell your stories. As an occupational therapy practitioner, you are an expert. Watch this video for four ways you can explain how occupational therapy empowers people and changes lives!

Happy child in a wheelchair holding a potted plant with her mother

Telling client stories

This video shows the distinct value of occupational therapy with clients of different ages and across practice settings. From a child with autism to a wounded warrior with a double amputation to an older adult aging in place, these clients highlight how occupational therapy looked at all aspects of their lives to help them achieve their goals. 

promoting the profession

Tips on talking to the public

Very often we are called upon to explain what we do to people who are unfamiliar with our profession. Although it can seem a daunting challenge, people will actually welcome your comments. They consider you the expert. These pointers will help you master any conversation.

Smiling older man with open laptop looking at camera inside library

Letters to the editor

Sometimes, occupational therapy is omitted or inaccurately described in the media. Visit our Letters to the Editor page to find tips and examples of how to respond to inaccurate portrayals of OT in the news.

Group of men and woman smiling at the camera inside an office

Want to join our media efforts?

AOTA's Media Relations Team and Advocacy Team promote the profession every day and are experts in explaining complex issues to public audiences. We can help you with media coaching and best practices for communicating with members of the media. Let us help you promote the profession you love.

Email us to get started today!

Copyright information

All of these materials may be downloaded and copied without permission for educational purposes. For uses that involve any type of sale for profit or fundraising, or for reprints with third parties (including apparel), contact

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