Group of diverse women talking in front of window

Special Interest Sections

AOTA's Special Interest Sections (SISs) support your practice-specific connections in multiple ways. Connecting with SISs is included in your AOTA membership. When you join or renew, select 1 to 3 sections that relate to your professional interests, and connect with all 9 sections on the CommunOT online forum.

Join an SIS for formal and informal professional learning opportunities

Check out the programs organized by the SISs.

Practice chats

Beginning in 2020, AOTA's SISs began offering these informal opportunities to connect about practice-specific topics. Often featuring special guests and speakers, practice chats are planned and led by SIS volunteers. Check out the events page for information on upcoming practice chats.

Meet the sections

The 9 SISs broadly categorize membership by practice settings. Check out the individual pages for additional information.

Man and woman working together at table with laptop and other people

SIS volunteerism builds your network

Each SIS provides a broad home for practitioners and students to exchange information about evidence-based practice, legislative issues, and research. The SISs allow you to leverage your common practice setting towards building or re-solidifying your professional networks. 

SIS volunteers come from elections, appointments, and micro-volunteering opportunities. SIS volunteers on standing committees or in council roles are elected or appointed into their positions. All other volunteer opportunities within the SISs are categorized as micro-volunteering opportunities.

Micro-volunteering opportunities
Professional woman inside office reading her mobile phone

Let's connect

As a member, you can interact with all 9 SISs on CommunOT. Whether you're interested in networking with peers in your practice area, connecting about cross-setting research, or exploring a new career, CommunOT enables you to maximize your membership.

Connect today on CommunOT
Hand holding a bullhorn

SIS call for student interns

The SISC invites current OT/OTA students to apply for the internship program. Interns serve in 1-year terms and internship opportunities exist within each of the 9 SIS standing committees. Find the internship description and application in the Volunteer Center in CommunOT. Applications are due by April 30, 2023.

Meet the SIS Council chairperson

The nine SIS chairpersons hold dual roles—they lead their individual SIS and together, support the overall direction for the SIS program. The Council is chaired by Bridgett Piernik-Yoder, PhD, OTR, FAOTA.
The SIS Council chairperson is an elected role that begins with a 1-year term as chairperson-elect followed by a 3-year term as chairperson. Bridgett's chairperson term runs 2023-2026.

Meet the SIS Council

The SIS Council (SISC), informed by each individual SIS and in partnership with AOTA staff, leads the direction of all of the SISs. The SISC is comprised of the 9 SIS chairpersons and is led by the SISC chairperson. In some cases, CoPs may be housed with the SISC instead of a particular SIS.

SISC Chairperson

Bridgett Piernik-Yoder

Megan Edwards Collins
AESIS Chairperson

Megan Edwards Collins

Jeryl DiSanti Benson
CYSIS Chairperson

Jeryl Benson

Sandra Rogers
DDSIS Chairperson

Sandra Rogers

Kelly L Sajdak
HCHSIS Chairperson

Kelly Sajdak

Gina Baker
MHSIS Chairperson

Gina Baker

Grey image of an outline of a person
PASIS Chairperson

Position To Be Filled Through Election

Brocha Stern
RDSIS Chairperson

Brocha Stern

Lauren Andelin
SIPSIS Chairperson

Lauren Andelin

Jamesdean Visley
WISIS Chairperson

Jamesdean Visley


Questions about the SISs?

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