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Whether you're just starting out or looking for new opportunities, your AOTA membership provides the tools and resources you need to grow in your career and find your passion.

Become an occupational therapy practitioner
Are you thinking about becoming an occupational therapist (OT) or occupational therapy assistant (OTA)? You won't be disappointed—occupational therapy is one of the most rewarding careers you could ask for.
Learn more about the profession and the steps it takes to start a fulfilling career in occupational therapy. We'll be here for you every step of the way.
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Occupational therapy career rankings
Occupational therapist and occupational therapy assistant careers are consistently ranked among the best professions in the United States. The future looks bright!
State of the professionJumpstart and advance your career
Find your dream job
View all active job listing for occupational therapy practitioners. Search by keyword and location.

Mock interview questions
Preparation is everything. We've compiled this list of mock interview questions to keep you a step ahead.

Wellness for life and career
Resources to keep you grounded, avoid burnout, and help you maintain your work/life balance.

State licensure requirements
All 50 states in the United States, plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam, require occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants to be licensed to provide occupational therapy services.
Our guide to state licensure will help you understand what it takes to obtain and maintain your state licensure.
Professional Development

Learn from the organization that you trust. AOTA provides highly informative and interactive courses created to achieve the best learning outcomes for the adult learner. Visit our Continuing Education center to select from a wide variety of course topics to advance your career.

RISE Pathways Program
The Recruitment, Inclusion, Sustainability, and Education (RISE) Pathways Program aims to increase access and remove barriers within the occupational therapy (OT) profession. The initiative was designed to identify and support emerging leaders from underrepresented groups within the OT community to participate in an accelerated program based on leadership education, coaching, and service to the profession. RISE participants, referred to as Scholars, are provided the opportunity to learn from experts to explore current and developing issues in inclusive and effective leadership.