Practice essentials
Explore AOTA's practice essentials resources for occupational therapy practitioners.
Featured practice essentials
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Coding and billing
Get paid for the services you deliver. AOTA provides clear, easy-to-understand resources that will help you code and bill correctly.

Building a thriving and inclusive OT community
AOTA is leading the profession to support a strong and welcoming occupational therapy community by providing resources and tools to strengthen occupational therapy practitioners' contribution to a healthy and engaged community.

Documentation is a valuable part of the occupational therapy process and helps to showcase the distinct value of occupational therapy. Review these best practices for documentation to help you provide quality care, increase reimbursement, decrease denied claims, and articulate the distinct value of occupational therapy.

Entrepreneurship in OT
The world of entrepreneurship is rich with opportunity. From private practice to consulting, from brick and mortar to mobile and telehealth, from online businesses to creating products, entrepreneurship is a rewarding field where occupational therapy practitioners can create an impact in their community.

Evidence-based practice & knowledge translation
The resources you need to give your clients the informed care they deserve. Translate the latest research, apply it to your practice, and advocate for evidence-based occupational therapy.

Occupational therapy personnel, including occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students, have an obligation to demonstrate ethical conduct that reflects professional values when working with clients, families, caregivers, administrators, colleagues, policymakers, payers, and other health care professionals.

Interventions to support occupations
According to the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework: Domain and Process, 4th edition (OTPF-4) interventions to support occupations are methods and tasks that prepare the client for occupational performance.

OT and OTA intraprofessional collaboration
Occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants working together, an example of intraprofessional collaboration, is a key element during the delivery of OT services.

AOTA Official Documents
These documents are used by AOTA and its members to guide education, practice, advocacy, and policy on behalf of the profession.

Payment Policy
AOTA educates occupational therapy practitioners about fair coverage and payment policies by Medicare and other public and commercial payers. AOTA staff, working alongside member experts, create key resources that can help you get paid and engage in self advocacy and patient advocacy for the services you provide every day.

Practice engagement and capacity building
Current trends reflect opportunities for occupational therapy growth. Capacity building supports the occupational therapy workforce to respond to these population needs. As a profession, occupational therapy practitioners can create momentum by building upon our roots and foundation to expand our roles in evolving and innovative practice settings.

Practice improvement
Use evidence-based practice (EBP), knowledge translation (KT), and quality principles to improve your practice. Improve client care through ongoing reflection, assessment, and refinement of occupational therapy services across practice settings.

Quality in occupational therapy
The AOTA Quality Team is dedicated to providing resources to occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and students to help navigate the quality reporting, regulatory and outcomes landscape, and link these changes to clinical practice.

Occupational therapy scope of practice
Our profession's scope of practice is continually evolving. Learn about the latest scope of practice and state requirements for occupational therapy practitioners, as well as AOTA's latest scope of practice advocacy efforts so you can have the most impact on your client's quality of care.

Telehealth resources provide guidance, education, and information to occupational therapy practitioners who have an interest in providing services remotely.