
Terry Brittell OTA/OT Partnership Award

Established in 1991, the Terry Brittell OTA/OT Partnership Award recognizes an occupational therapy assistant (OTA) and occupational therapist (OT) who, through collaborative efforts to promote the profession of occupational therapy, exemplify the professional partnership.

Description and purpose

  • To recognize an occupational therapy assistant (OTA) and occupational therapist (OT) who, through collaborative efforts to promote the profession of occupational therapy, exemplify the professional partnership.
  • To provide an incentive for other OTA/OT partnerships to contribute to the advancement of occupational therapy.

Minimal requirements

  • The nominees shall have demonstrated evidence of collaborative and unique OTA/OT partnership in the profession of occupational therapy.
  • The nominees shall be recognized by their peers as having made a significant and unique contribution by their partnership to the profession in such areas as research, practice, and education. Demonstration of the unique partnership contribution may include, but is not limited to:
    • Development of a practice model or method of evaluation and treatment with significant application.
    • Development of academic or continuing education models, programs, or methods utilizing the OTA/OT partnership to enhance the education of occupational therapy practitioners.
    • Participation in research activities that benefit the profession and reflect the OTA/OT partnership.
  • The nominees shall be recognized by their peers as having made a significant impact on the profession through their OTA/OT partnership by collaboratively demonstrating and sharing their expertise and knowledge through publications and presentations at the state, regional, or national level.

Specific information regarding award

  • Up to three Terry Brittell OTA/OT Partnership Awards may be given per year.
  • Two certificates, one designating each member of the partnership, shall be presented

Previous recipients

The following members have been awarded the Terry Brittell OTA/OT Partnership Award.

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