Two women and a man talking together near a white board taking notes

Volunteer groups

Volunteer groups are key to a thriving, successful professional community. They guide and oversee the work of the Association and support your connectivity and learning. The groups on this page have varying responsibilities and formations.

AOTA Governing Bodies

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic direction, budget, and operations of the Association. It consists of an elected President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 6 Directors, appointed Public and Consumer Advisors, and the AOTA Executive Director.

Woman and man shaking hands at conference table with people blurred in background
AOTA Governing Bodies

Representative Assembly

The Representative Assembly (RA) is composed of at least one representative from every state, plus Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The RA provides guidance on occupational therapy professional practice through various groups, each of which is composed of members who are elected to serve.



AOTA's RA is responsible for the development and approval of professional policies and standards. Four commissions fall under their purview. 

AOTA Committees


The Volunteer Leadership Development Committee (VLDC) is responsible for overseeing elected or appointed positions. Typically, committees are composed of these kinds of positions.

Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP) & ASAP Steering Committee

ASAP is composed of state association presidents who are elected by their state association members. ASAP provides a forum for networking, training, and mentoring state affiliate leadership. The ASAP Steering Committee is composed of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson (who serves as a liaison to the RA with voice and vote), and Secretary, who are all recent past state association presidents.



The Volunteer Leadership Development Committee (VLDC) is responsible for overseeing elected or appointed positions. Typically, councils are comprised of these kinds of positions.

There are a number of committees which are comprised of elected or appointed positions. They are listed here with brief descriptions.

Occupational Therapy Advanced Certification Commission (OTACC)

OTACC is an Associated Advisory Commission (Council) within AOTA, responsible for developing policies and procedures and guiding the overall management and essential decisions of the Advanced Certification Program. Essential certification decisions under the purview of the OTACC include eligibility requirements; standards for acquiring advanced certification and for maintaining certification; the development, administration, and scoring of examinations; selection of subject matter experts (SMEs); and disciplinary determinations.

Multicultural, Diversity, and Inclusion Network

The Multicultural, Diversity, and Inclusion (MDI) Network is a network of independent groups of various diverse identities and affiliations based on race/ethnicity; disability; sexual orientation; and religious affiliation that collectively support the increase of diversity and inclusion in occupational therapy. Membership is defined by each group and managed independently.

Connected Groups

Connected groups have strong ties to AOTA and operate independently. Many members of connected groups are also members of AOTA.

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Volunteer categories

Volunteer opportunities fall into one of two broad categories. Both types of volunteering are essential to AOTA's collective success! AOTA needs volunteers of all experience levels, backgrounds, and perspectives.

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