AOTA’s NBCOT® Exam Prep: Preparation is everything
We’ve worked with industry leaders to bring you the next generation of exam prep to help you prepare for the NBCOT® exam efficiently and with minimal stress. You can confidently prepare for your certification exam and earn the necessary credentials to get started on your OT career.
Get Started with AOTA NBCOT® Exam Prep!

Purchase OTR Exam Prep
$149 for members $209 for nonmembers

Purchase COTA Exam Prep
$99 for members; $139 for nonmembers

You'll know what to expect with our Exam Prep resources.
Passing the NBCOT® exam means you’re ready to start the next phase of your career—as an OT or OTA. At AOTA, we understand how much that means to you, and we want to help you get there as quickly as you can.
AOTA’s NBCOT® Exam Prep leverages the power of learning science, technology, and design to help you learn better and faster. It has many features to help you master your weaker subjects and celebrate your strengths, so you’ll feel calm, confident, and successful on test day.

AOTA's NBCOT® exam prep helps you succeed
- Take AOTA’s NBCOT® Exam Prep with you wherever you go, using it on your computer, phone, or tablet—anytime you want.
- Make your study time efficient with the online dashboard, where you can see at a glance your strengths as well as areas for extra focus.
- Benchmark and assess your progress with a full practice test and several smaller, topic-specific tests—and use the results to identify where to concentrate your efforts.
- Set goals that motivate you, and watch your practice progress.
- Study using flash cards, games, and other tools to ensure that you retain what you learn.
- Experience a customized learning pathway that will tailor the questions and quizzes to your exact learning needs.
- Just for educators—purchase a group sale (see below) to see the progress of your class or group and tailor your curriculum to their specific needs.
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Group sales of AOTA's NBCOT® Exam Prep
Group purchases enable a dashboard just for educators! See the progress of your class or group and tailor your curriculum to their specific needs.
Institutions ordering a minimum of 5 subscriptions for OTR® or COTA® Exam Prep are eligible for discounts:
- 5 to 19 students: 10% off the member/nonmember price.
- 20 to 49 students: 15% off the member/nonmember price.
- 50 or more students: 20% off the member/nonmember price.
Offer also includes 1 free instructor subscription—good for 1 year from the time of purchase.
Order Now! Download the Group Sales Form and email to examprep@aota.org or fax to 770-238-0414.
More resources

AOTA's Exam Prep Facebook Group
Free to all students.

NBCOT Certification Information
How to get started on the path to certification.

NBCOT Exam Handbook
Essential information about the NBCOT Exam. Be sure to read it as you begin your exam preparation.

AOTA’s NBCOT® Exam Prep is not affiliated with or endorsed by The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, NBCOT®. NBCOT® is a registered trademark owned by The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, Inc. AOTA online product policy: Sharing, selling, or reselling of usernames and passwords is a copyright violation— and, as such, is a violation of the law. Violation of the AOTA policy may result in revocation of AOTA online access privileges, ethics charges, and/or legal consequences. Additional terms of use are available at www.aota.org/terms-of-use.