everyday advocacy

Guidelines for a successful site visit by a member of Congress

One of the most effective ways to educate members of Congress about occupational therapy is to have them visit a facility to see firsthand what occupational therapy practitioners do and how occupational therapy practitioners help their constituents. Such visits can leave a lasting impression that can make a difference when it comes time for the legislator to vote or take action on initiatives that are important to occupational therapy. The following guidelines will help you plan and accomplish a Congressional site visit.

Don't hesitate to contact staff members of the AOTA Federal Affairs Department at ASKFAD@aota.org to assist you in any way.

Front view of the US Capitol building with bright blue sky

To begin

Be sure to plan the visit carefully. Be clear about what you want to achieve, determine in advance which issues you want to address, and assess how the site you choose for the visit can illustrate those issues. Work with all the staff and clients at the site to assure that everyone is informed and prepared to speak to the issues you want to highlight.

These visits should show:

  • The importance of OT to health and functioning
  • The flexibility and diversity of the profession
  • The effect OT has on people's lives and the values of OT that support individual client achievement
  • The highest level and most up-to-date methods of occupational therapy.

Make an appointment

When attempting to set up a site visit, contact the local, state, or district office of your Representative or Senator. Ask to speak with the Appointments Secretary or Scheduler. Explain your purpose and whom you represent. You may want to submit a written request and follow up very soon afterwards with a telephone call. You may also work through the Member's Washington, DC, office.

If you are prepared to set up a site visit, ask for that first and take an individual private appointment as an alternative. If you are unable to set up a site visit, private meetings can also be effective.

These visits should:

  • Be organized during a recess. Members of Congress often return home on weekends too, so visits or meetings may be scheduled at this time as well.
  • Help you to become more involved with other health care activities of the Member, such as Town Hall meetings they hold. They may also have health care or budget advisory committees or groups that help them get information from key health care professionals and other citizens.

Be prompt and patient

When it's time to meet with a Member of Congress, be punctual and be patient. It is not uncommon for them to be late, to have a meeting interrupted (due to their crowded schedules), or to allow too little time for a thorough visit. If interruptions do occur, be flexible. When the opportunity presents itself, continue your meeting with the staff if possible. For site visits, schedule the heart of the presentation at the beginning. Get right to the point in case the Representative or Senator must depart early.

These visits should:

  • Focus on the issues important to occupational therapy, demonstrating them through state- of-the-art examples that quickly show the importance of occupational therapy in health care, education, prevention or other areas.
  • Allow the member of Congress to ask questions and to have informal discussions about experiences and problems.

Be prepared

Have materials available at the visit site that concisely present your issues. Personalize any materials with stories of individuals or with concrete examples of issues. Contact the AOTA Federal Affairs Department, at ASKFAD@AOTA.org, for up-to-date materials on legislative issues affecting occupational therapy.

These visits will be most effective if:

  • Everyone involved knows what they will do and say.
  • Those at the site have a rehearsal to make sure everything goes smoothly.
  • Everyone works together to convey a positive message.

Be policy driven

Members of Congress want to represent the best interests of their district or state. Wherever possible, demonstrate the connection between the issue and their constituents. For instance, discuss local problems with health care access in particular communities, or specific provider problems using local examples. If possible, describe how you and your group can be of assistance to the Legislator. Where appropriate, ask for a commitment on a particular issue.

These visits should:

  • Be focused on real examples from real people.
  • Give a local flavor while representing national issues.
  • Give the Member of Congress specific ideas about what changes are needed.

Be responsive

Be prepared to answer questions or provide additional information for the Member. Follow up the visit with a thank you letter that outlines the different points covered during the visit, and send along any additional information and materials.

These visits should:

  • Be the starting point for an ongoing, positive relationship with the Member of Congress.


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