Smiling young boy and girl outside on wood swing with lake in background
About AOTA

Mission and vision

AOTA serves as a guiding light for the occupational therapy profession. Our mission statement guides us as we advance the work of occupational therapy practitioners, and our vision will lead the profession into the future.

Multigenerational family posing outside on bench for a picture

Our mission

To advance occupational therapy practice, education, and research through standard setting and advocacy on behalf of its members, the profession, and the public.

Vision 2025

As an inclusive profession, occupational therapy maximizes health, well-being, and quality of life for all people, populations, and communities through effective solutions that facilitate participation in everyday living.

Man and young girl writing in notebook sitting at table giving a high five

Occupational therapy is evidence based, client centered, and cost-effective.

Strategic principles

AOTA is guided by these strategic principles.

Two smiling young adults outside smiling at camera


AOTA embodies diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of the Association and champions these values throughout the occupational therapy profession.

Professionally dressed man and woman walking down government building steps


The actions of policymakers, payors, and the public result in equitable access to, maximized utilization of, and fair compensation for occupational therapy services.

Man smiling at desk looking at laptop and writing in notebook


AOTA is the essential resource for building the capacity of occupational therapy practitioners and for the knowledge, learning, and professional and leadership development throughout one’s occupational therapy career.

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