Outside view of US Capitol rotunda against blue sky with American flag waving on pole

How can you help candidates running for federal election?

Learn some of the legal ways you can assist a candidate running for election to the U.S. House of Representatives and/or U.S. Senate (Congress).

Ways to Engage: Breaking it down

Monetary contributions

You may support federal candidates directly by making contributions to their campaigns, or indirectly by making contributions to the American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC), to support the candidates of their choice.

In-kind contributions

In-kind contributions are non-cash political contributions. Examples are securities, facilities, equipment, personnel, membership lists, or any other expenditure a person makes in cooperation with or at the request or suggestion of the candidate, their authorized committee, or authorized agents. Goods are valued at the usual retail price. 

Contribution limitations for individuals (as of 2021)

  • There is a limit of $2,700 per election (primary, run-off, general) per year.
  • There is a limit of $5,000 per calendar year to multi-candidate committees.
  • There is a limit of $10,000 per year (combined) to party committees: state, district, and local.
  • There is a limit of $33,900 per year to party committees: national
  • Contributions of cash over $100 per candidate are illegal.
  • Contributions of corporate funds are prohibited. Use a personal check or money order.

Volunteer activities

  • You may volunteer any personal service as long as you are not compensated by any other committee, individual, or organization.
  • You may spend up to $1,000 per candidate, per election, for food, beverage, and invitations in connection with campaign-related activities.
  • You may spend up to $1,000 per candidate, per election, for your own travel expenses related to the campaign.
  • You may spend any amount for your personal living expenses related to the campaign.
  • You may provide the use of your home for campaign-related activities.
  • You may spend beyond the volunteer activity limits listed above; however, any expenses that exceed those limits must be reported as contributions in kind or as an independent expenditure.

Independent expenditures

In addition to making contributions and volunteering, you may support candidates by making independent expenditures on their behalf. The Supreme Court recognizes your First Amendment right to freely express your preference for or against candidates. However, you must meet the following strict criteria in order to avoid making a political "contribution."

  • An independent expenditure is a disbursement for communications made expressly to advocate for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate. It is not made with the cooperation or prior consent of, or in consultation with or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or his or her authorized committees or agents.

Advertising notice required

  • Any communication advocating for the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate through any type of public advertising must state that the communication is not authorized by the candidate; and
  • Identify the name of the person who financed the expenditure and, in the case of a political committee making the expenditure, list the names of any affiliated organizations.

The notice must appear on the face or front page of printed matter, or at the beginning or end of a radio or television broadcast.

Reporting requirements

You must report to the Federal Election Commission your independent expenditures if they exceed $250 during a calendar year. For information write:

  Federal Election Commission

999 E Street, NW

Washington, DC 20463

or call 202-219-4140.

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