Mental health and well-being
The mental health and well-being of everyone is an important component of a healthy community. Occupational therapy can help clients, groups, and communities to manage physical and mental health needs, develop healthy and effective daily routines to promote well-being, and learn and utilize strategies to navigate the stresses of life.

Issues and Innovations in Mental Health Lunch and Learn Series
View these webinars, part of a series about mental health issues.
Sponsored by William James College
How can occupational therapy address mental health?

Occupational therapy practitioners provide mental health services in communities, hospitals, schools, clinics, homes, and other places where people carry out their daily activities.
Mental health promotion resources
Use AOTA's client-centered, evidence-based practice guidance to promote mental health in a variety of practice areas and settings.

School Mental Health Toolkit

Practice Guidelines for Adults Living With Serious Mental Illness
This Practice Guideline provides an overview of the occupational therapy process for individuals living with SMI. It is based on a systematic review process addressing five focused questions examining the evidence for occupational therapy interventions to promote ADLs and IADLs, rest and sleep, leisure, and social participation; support employment and education; promote health and wellness; provide early intervention to reduce effects of SMI; and reduce internalized stigma.
AOTA Continuing Education
Gain new mental health knowledge and capabilities with AOTA's continuing education.
Research, articles, and books
Expand your mental health knowledge with the latest research, perspectives, and solutions from occupational therapy practitioners.

OT's Role in Addressing the Mental Health Crisis on College Campuses

Trauma, Occupation, and Participation

Connecting occupational therapy and 988
Calling or texting 988 can help save a life. The 3-digit code supports suicide prevention and the mental health crisis with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Occupational therapy practitioners have the opportunity to support the 988 crisis intervention initiative by building awareness, expanding outreach and using our skills, training and expertise to expand capacity to address mental and behavioral health in our communities.

AOTA Communities of Practice
Communities of Practice allow AOTA members to network and grow in the context of social learning environment. As a core of our profession, mental health is woven through the work of many of our communities and highlighted more directly in those with specific topics pertaining to meeting the mental health needs of clients across the lifespan.

Mental Health Special Interest Section
Connect with members focused on mental health. The Mental Health Special Interest Section (MHSIS) members support individuals, groups, or populations across the lifespan who are at risk for or are currently diagnosed with a mental health challenge.

AOTA Advocacy Resources
Incorporate mental health advocacy into your practice.
Focusing on you
Resources to help OTs and OTAs focus on their own mental health and well-being.

Wellness for Life and Career

Decision Guide on Well-Being

Occupational Balance & Quality of Life