School mental health interventions

Teenage girl sitting at desk in school next to classmates smiling

This toolkit is a resource for occupational therapy practitioners working with children and youth in school and community settings to obtain specific knowledge about mental health (MH) promotion, prevention, and intervention and to guide service provision. Each topic in the toolkit provides an overview of the topic, implications for occupational therapy, and strategies for MH promotion, prevention, and intervention in a variety of settings.

Anxiety disorders

Symptoms of anxiety can interfere with a child’s ability to engage in school activities, chosen occupations, and social opportunities.

Cafeteria & recess: Promoting participation and mental and physical health during lunch and recess

School aged kids sitting at cafeteria table eating together
Lunch and recess are important parts of each school day and a great time for OTs to implement innovative programs to address a variety of issues related to school performance.

Childhood trauma

Children may experience trauma from abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), neglect (physi­cal, medical, emotional, educational), natural disasters, illness, and violence (school, community, domestic). Children who have experienced complex trauma need environments and opportunities to regain a sense of personal safety, competence, and pleasurable connection to others.


Mother helping young son pack backpack with water bottle

Depression in children and youth can have a significant impact on a student's occupational performance both in and out of the school setting. 

Foster care

Early adversity, trauma, and disruption to living situations experienced by children and youth negatively impact their overall health and well-being.

Grief & Loss

Man and young boy fist bumping across a desk inside classroom

With knowledge and skills in the therapeutic use of self and facilitating therapeutic groups, occupational therapy practitioners can help support children in their grieving process through the use of meaningful occupations.



Inclusion in school-based practice refers to integrating students with disabilities into the natural settings of school and the community to provide access to their peers. It “involves supporting students with disabilities through individual learning goals, accommodations, and modifications so that they are able to access the general education curriculum” (The IRIS Center, 2023, module 1). Inclusion of students with disabilities is not only a way to promote mental health, but also a social justice issue—all children with disabilities have a right to live, learn, play, and work alongside their peers. 

Promoting strengths

Woman sitting at table looking at laughing young boy sitting next to her

With knowledge and skills in the therapeutic use of self and facilitating therapeutic groups, occupational therapy practitioners can help support children in their grieving process through the use of meaningful occupations.


School OT crisis response & prevention

Crisis response and prevention is an important component of the scope of practice of school occupational therapy practitioners.

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