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Subscribe to OT Practice

OT Practice is included with AOTA membership. Subscriptions are available for institutions and nonmembers. SIS Practice Quarterly Connections is mailed with the February, May, August, and November issues.


OT Practice January 2022 Edition


Addressing the practical needs of occupational therapy practitioners, this professional monthly magazine features the latest hot topics in the profession—everything from hands-on techniques to legislative issues, career advice, and job opportunities. SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, which focuses on the role and application of research to practice, is a supplement to the February, May, August, and November issues. A subscription to OT Practice is included with each AOTA membership. Not yet a member? See if one of our membership options is right for you!

Subscription rates for nonmembers

Individual—United States/Canada ($275); International ($375)

Institution—United States/Canada ($275); International ($430)

  • Subscription agencies are entitled to a 10% discount.
  • OT Practice is mailed to international subscribers via first-class airmail. Allow 4–6 weeks for delivery.
  • All AOTA periodical subscriptions must be prepaid in U.S. funds.
  • Prices are in U.S. dollars and subject to change without notice.
  • Contact for more information.

Renewal notices

  • Renewal notices for all subscriptions are mailed 3 months before the expiration date to individuals. Renewal notices are not sent to subscription agencies.
  • Prices and issue frequency are subject to change without notice.
  • Subscriptions begin within 60 days of payment, with the next available issue.
  • There is a 10% processing fee for refunds.
  • Refunds are prorated.

Damaged or missing issues

  • Claims submitted for damaged or missing OT Practice issues must be received within 4 months of issue date for U.S. and Canadian subscribers and 6 months for international subscribers.
  • A limited supply of printed back issues is available. Contact for availability and pricing.

Terms and conditions

  • Your user name and password are for your use only. Sharing, selling, or reselling user names and passwords is a copyright violation and may result in revocation of AOTA online access privileges, ethics charges, and/or legal consequences.
  • We take data privacy seriously and make efforts to protect subscribers’ personal information. Please refer to the AOTA Privacy Policy to learn about how we use and protect information.

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