AOTA Press
AOTA Press is the scholarly publishing arm of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Our textbooks, assessments, and books support students and clinicians in getting established and growing in the field of occupational therapy. Members can save up to 50% on AOTA Press publications. Check out all our titles or view our latest catalog.
Featured titles

Literacy and Occupational Therapy - Enabling Participation Across the Lifespan
Occupational therapy’s holistic approach to task engagement can successfully address literacy skills across the lifespan. Literacy and Occupational Therapy explores the many forms of literacy, from functional to digital to health, and provides practical guidance on how practitioners can support literacy development in the areas most relevant to their clients.

Adult Feeding, Eating, and Swallowing
Demonstrates occupational therapy’s role in dysphagia management within the adult population through evidence-based content, practical how-to information, and emphasis on the multidisciplinary heath care team to equip occupational therapy students and practitioners at all levels to address eating, feeding, and swallowing concerns with their patients.

Quality of Life
Advances in modern medicine have altered how patients experience chronic illness and end-of-life care, and the quality of life of both patients and their loved ones has frequently been questioned. Palliative care programs are specifically designed to help patients cope more effectively with serious conditions while prioritizing quality of life. This text describes occupational therapy’s distinct purpose in chronic condition management, palliative care, and hospice, and provides a guide for thoughtful, patient-centered service delivery.

Sexuality and Intimacy
This textbook presents a comprehensive and holistic occupational therapy approach to sexuality that challenges readers to consider co-existing perspectives and practices related to sexual occupations and equips them to effectively address this important area.
Evaluation and assessment

Hinojosa and Kramer's Evaluation in Occupational Therapy: Obtaining and Interpreting Data, 5th Ed.
Aligned with the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework, this updated text describes how to accurately evaluate the factors affecting occupational performance and explains the essential and practical aspects of evaluation.

Screening Adult Neurologic Populations, 3rd Ed.
This update of the classic text is a functional, easy-to-understand instruction manual describing the most common screening methods for clients with neurological disorders. This new edition includes dozens of videos demonstrating and explaining how to do various screens.

Parent/Caregiver Support of Children's Playfulness (PC-SCP)
Play, children’s main occupation, is essential to growth and development. Through play, children develop social, emotional, physical, and cognitive skills that contribute to physical and mental health as well as school readiness. Adult caregivers are important for promoting children’s play, which also supports both child and parental well-being.

Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills, 4th Ed.
This new edition of the classic assessment determines a patient's or client's ability to function in basic living skills. Easily administered and appropriate for use with many populations and in many settings, this versatile assessment assists in identifying areas in which a person can perform and where he or she needs assistance.
Clinical must-haves

Occupational Therapy in Acute Care, 3rd Edition
Designed to offer a comprehensive guide for practitioners working across practice settings, including long-term care, skilled nursing, inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, and home health. New to this edition are chapters on occupational therapy in the emergency department, sleep, social determinants of health, home modifications, case management, readmission prevention, novice practitioners in acute care, and fieldwork.

Occupational Therapy Manager, 6th Edition
This text provides the how-to aspects of creating evidence-based practices; effectively leading and motivating staff; ensuring ethical service delivery; and important day-to-day items such as budgeting, documentation, and reimbursement.

Culture and Occupation, 3rd Edition
Both theoretical and practical, this text explores the sociopolitical structures that reinforce health disparities and provides guidance for client interactions. The Model for Cultural Effectiveness, introduced in this edition, helps readers develop self-awareness, understand power, attain cultural knowledge, improve cross-cultural skills, and create a plan for effectiveness and reflection.

Task Analysis, 3rd Edition
Both theoretical and practical, this text explores the sociopolitical structures that reinforce health disparities and provides guidance for client interactions. The Model for Cultural Effectiveness, introduced in this edition, helps readers develop self-awareness, understand power, attain cultural knowledge, improve cross-cultural skills, and create a plan for effectiveness and reflection.

Tools to advance your practice from AOTA Press
AOTA Press offers a variety of tools to help you in your practice, whether you're a student, a clinician, or a researcher. Take a look around and see what we have to offer!

Educators: Use AOTA texts in your classroom
AOTA Press textbooks are the essential resource in your classroom to provide students with a strong foundation for getting established in their careers. To help support you, AOTA Press makes complimentary copies of a limited number of AOTA Press books available to educators for course adoption review. These books are provided in ebook format. Instructors who assign books obtained via course review to their students are eligible for a free desk copy of either the print book or the ebook.
Please visit the Educator Resources section of AOTA’s Online Store to see the books that are available for course adoption review. Visit AOTA’s Online Store to see all AOTA Press books. To request a course adoption review copy of a publication not displayed in the Educator Resources section, please send a written request to AOTA Press.
See the complete directions for requesting adoption review copies.

Publish with AOTA!
Want to share your knowledge, experience, or research with occupational therapy practitioners and students? Check out OT Practice, SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, or the American Journal of Occupational Therapy.