Travel to Washington, DC
What you need to know when planning travel to the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.
Washington, DC, metropolitan area airports
Note: Ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft operate in Washington, DC; Maryland; and Virginia, and pick up customers from any of the three DMV (DC, MD, VA) area airports listed below.
Traveling to Washington, DC, by Bus
Public bus
Multiple commercial bus lines service Washington, DC, and are an affordable way to travel to the city. A major bus terminal is located at Union Station, which is where the morning briefing session will take place. More information on bus lines and schedules. http://www.unionstationdc.com/info/groundTransportation
Charter/tour bus
For bus drop off or pickup at Union Station Parking Garage: This is a 24 hour, multi-level parking facility that serves as one of the city’s major bus hubs. The bus hub is the pick-up and drop-off location for charter and tour buses. Access is available from Massachusetts Avenue, NE, from a ramp on the East side of Union Station as well as behind the station from a ramp on H Street, NE. More information on Union Station. http://www.unionstationdc.com/parking
There are strict restrictions on where buses can load and unload passengers at the Capitol. As of last notice, buses can only drop off or pick up at the base of the Capitol on the Senate side (1st and Pennsylvania Ave., NW) or at Garfield Circle at the base of the Capitol on the House side (1st & Maryland Ave., SW). Please ensure that your driver is aware of these restrictions and is familiar with how best to get to this location as some of the streets around the Capitol are closed to tour buses.
More information on visiting the Capitol. https://www.visitthecapitol.gov/plan-visit/getting-capitol
Public transportation
Washington, DC, offers a number of options for lodging depending on your budget and willingness to take the Metro or a taxi. We suggest looking for lodging in the following areas: Capitol Hill (DC), Downtown (DC), and Crystal City (VA).
Capitol Hill will be the most convenient for the advocacy activities, but offers fewer options. Downtown DC is the second closest and offers many hotel options. Crystal City is closest to Reagan Airport (with Metro access) and often offers better rates. North Bethesda (MD) is the farthest from DC (approximately 40 minute via Metrorail) and is where AOTA Headquarters is located.