Advanced certification: Recertification requirements

You worked hard to earn your advanced certification;
learn how to maintain it.

Maintain your certification

In spring 2021, OTACC developed and approved the following requirements for recertification. Beginning January 1, 2023, these requirements apply to those who obtained initial certification by portfolio (prior to 2021) and to those who obtained initial certification by exam (2021 and after).

Recertification is required every five years in order to maintain certification and to continue to use your advanced certification credential (BCG, BCMH, BCP, BCPR, SCDCM, SCEM, SCFES, SCLV, SCSS). The following requirements must be met to be eligible for recertification:

  • Certified or licensed by, and in good standing with, an AOTA-recognized credentialing or regulatory body

  • At least 1,500 hours of experience in the certification area within the last five years—may include direct intervention, supervision, teaching, research, consultation, administration, case or care management, community programming, or activities supporting professional organizations in area of certification

  • At least 60 contact hours in professional development activities in the certification area within the last five years—may include CE courses, academic coursework, independent learning, mentorship, fieldwork supervision/capstone mentoring, professional writing, presentation and instruction, and other activities as outlined in the Advanced Certification Approved Recertification Activities. These hours should be in addition to (not part of) the 1,500 hours of experience in the certification area.

Those who obtain an advanced certification in 2021 or after will be expected to meet the recertification requirements as stated above.

For those who currently hold an advanced certification (received initial certification prior to 2021), the requirements above will be phased in over the next six years. AOTA will continue to use an attestation process for renewals due through December 31, 2022.

View the Recertification Handbook

Verification of Experience Hours Form—Recertification

Verification of Experience Hours Form (Self-Employed)—Recertification

Requirements by renewal year

Recertification Deadline

Effective beginning with 2023 renewal cycles

You may apply for recertification up to 6 months before or after your certification expiration date. The 6 months after your expiration date are considered a grace period so that you can collect your documentation and submit your application (and cannot be used for additional time to complete professional development activities). Any professional development activities collected after your expiration date will apply toward your next recertification application. No matter when you recertify in the 6 months before or after your certification expiration date, your new recertification date will always be 5 years from your previous recertification date. For example, if your certification is set to expire on 6/30/2024 and you submit your recertification application on 10/31/2024 (within the grace period), your new recertification date will be 6/30/2029.

If you do not submit a complete recertification application within the 6 months after your certification expiration date (grace period), your certification will expire, and you are no longer considered certified through AOTA’s Advanced Certification Program.

Recertification Fee

Effective beginning with 2023 renewal cycles

$250 AOTA Member/$375 nonmember

General Application Instructions

You can apply to recertify using our online application system. Your may submit your recertification application no sooner than 6 months before your certification expiration date. 

Recertification Application

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