Assembly of Student Delegates meetings
The Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) meets virtually multiple times per year, as well as in person at AOTA INSPIRE | Annual Conference & Expo.
ASD Tri-Annual meetings
2024–2025 Tri-Annual information will be updated here as it becomes available, as well as advertised in the ASD CommunOT forum and in the ASD Newsletter.
Delegates, do you have any questions or ideas for future meetings? Email us at
2024–2025 Tri-Annuals
Winter 2024
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 | 8:00 pm ET
The Assembly of Student Delegate Steering Committee invites ASD Representatives and Alternates to the ASD Winter Tri-Annual Meeting.
The Tri-Annual Meeting will not be recorded, but resources will be shared in a future ASD newsletter and in the ASD CommunOT. You can submit any questions in the registration or email at any point leading up to the event!
Fall 2024
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 | 8:00 pm ET
The Assembly of Student Delegate Steering Committee invites ASD Representatives and Alternates to the ASD Fall Tri-Annual Meeting.
To kick off the calendar year, our program will begin with updates from the ASD Steering Committee members and AOTA staff liaison, then move into breakout rooms that will address topics submitted by Reps relating to SOTA needs, AOTA resources, and more. This month, hear from former ASDSC reps on what they learned about becoming new practitioners!
The Tri-Annual Meeting will not be recorded, but resources will be shared in a future ASD newsletter and in the ASD CommunOT. You can submit any questions in the registration or email at any point leading up to the event.

ASD in-person gathering
Join us for the ASD Connection Gathering in Philadelphia, PA! Please plan to join fellow ASD Reps to kick off AOTA INSPIRE | 2025 Annual Conference & Expo on Wednesday, April 2 from 6:30 pm-8:30 pm ET. Please note, this is before the official start of the conference.
We will gather for an evening to celebrate our successes, share insights on SOTA initiatives, network for creative collaboration opportunities, and provide updates on our institutions. Participation in the gathering is free, though preregistration is required. This event is limited to current ASD representatives and ASD alternates and is not recorded or live-streamed.
As a reminder of a change made in 2022, there will not be an all-day ASD Pre-Conference meeting at AOTA INSPIRE 2025.