Two smiling woman talking outside looking at notebooks
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State occupational therapy associations

AOTA is the national professional association of occupational therapy practitioners and students. State occupational therapy associations are separately incorporated associations that are affiliated with AOTA. State associations advance the profession at the state level through advocacy, professional development, and networking. Many AOTA members are also members of their state association.

Excited man celebrating with clenched fist sitting on couch with open laptop on coffee table

Connect with your state association

State associations offer you an opportunity to get involved at the local level. They're a great place to begin your volunteer journey, enhance your practice, and even support your AOTA volunteerism.

State association scholarships

Over 50 scholarships are available for post baccalaureate and associate degrees in occupational therapy through the American Occupational Therapy Foundation and state occupational therapy associations. Click and scroll down to see the list of scholarships available today!

Find a state association scholarship

State association conferences

State association conferences are great opportunities to network and learn from your local occupational therapy colleagues. See dates and locations of state association and regional conferences happening around the country.

Find a state association conference

Colorful map of the United States of America with states and cities labeled

Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP)

AOTA is proud to work with state associations in numerous ways. One of the strongest links is through the Affiliated State Association Presidents (ASAP) group. ASAP is composed of state association presidents who are elected by their state's members. ASAP provides a forum for networking among state presidents and for training and mentoring state affiliate leadership; is an organizational advisor to the AOTA Board; and has a representative with voice and vote on the Representative Assembly (RA).

Group of people studying together at table with open books scattered on top

AOTA liaison to state associations

Please contact Chuck Willmarth if you have questions about how to connect with your state association.

Contact Chuck

State affiliates: Showcase your connection

State associations can signal their connection to AOTA with our official state affiliate logo, intended for state association websites only. All other uses require written permission, which we will consider on a case-by-case basis. Contact us for permission or to receive a jpg file.

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