Commission On Practice (COP)
The Commission On Practice (COP) serves AOTA by promoting the quality of occupational therapy practice and developing practice standards for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants relative to provider and consumer needs.
About the COP
The Commission on Practice (COP) is one of the bodies of the Representative Assembly (RA) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). Since 1977, the COP serves AOTA by promoting the quality of occupational therapy practice and developing practice standards and documents for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants relative to provider and consumer needs.
Functions of the COP
Identifies the need for and develops, interprets, and periodically reviews and revises standards, guidelines, and other official documents related to occupational therapy practice.
Analyzes trends in systems and programs that affect the delivery of occupational therapy services.
Serves as a resource on issues related to occupational therapy practice.
Solicits input from other volunteer sector groups regarding current issues and concerns in occupational therapy practice.
How the COP works
COP conducts monthly virtual meetings. Meeting goals include:
Review and edit draft documents
Monitor COP projects
Coordinate COP projects with other AOTA bodies
Identify current practice concerns
Develop methods to address current issues
AOTA member participation
In addition to committee members, AOTA members who have a particular interest in an area of practice should forward their names and interests to the Chairperson of the COP. AOTA members are selected on an "as needed" basis to assist in COP business.
Commission On Practice

Meredith Gronski

Shelley Coleman Casto

Timothy Dionne

Cheryl Boop

Susan Blair

Gretchen Bachman

Derek Piggott

Vicki Thomas

Sarah Bess

Gina Baker

Julie Malloy