DEIJAB TOOLKIT: Transgender & Gender-Diverse Care

OT Comics: Guide through misgendering in a school-based setting


Download OT Comic: Guide to misgendering in a school-based setting

Panel 1

Image description: Three individuals situated outside a school engaging in conversation. Two are adults and one is a child in a wheelchair.

Adult 1: “Hello, you must be Viral’s mom, Mrs. Kumar. I am his new occupational therapy assistant, Lexi. Viral had a great session today!”

Panel 2

Image description: Three individuals situated outside a school engaging in conversation. Two are adults and one is a child in a wheelchair.

Adult 2: “Hello, I am one of Viral’s parents yes. Please call me Mx. Kumar, I use they/them pronouns! It is nice to meet you. I am glad that Viral had a good session today.

Adult 1: “My apologies Mx. Kumar! I will try my best to address you correctly. Just so you are aware I use she/her pronouns.”

Panel 3

Image description: Three individuals situated outside a school engaging in conversation. Two are adults and one is a child in a wheelchair.

Adult 2: “No worries! Thank you for letting me know and we will see you next week!”

Adult 1: “See you next week!”

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