Smiling woman wearing a blue blazer looking at camera

Entrepreneurship in OT

The world of entrepreneurship is rich with opportunity. From private practice to consulting, from brick and mortar to mobile and telehealth, from online businesses to creating products, entrepreneurship is a rewarding field where occupational therapy practitioners can create an impact in their community.

Graphic of a group of items: calculator, magnifying glass, clipboard, and wallet with money

Bill with confidence

AOTA members now have access to AOTA’s Medicare Fee Schedule Calculator, designed to help navigate the complexities of Medicare reimbursement, allowing you to determine payment for your services in one convenient location.

Make informed calculations for your practice

Entrepreneurship resources

Expand your entrepreneurship knowledge with the latest perspectives from occupational therapy practitioners.

Smiling professional woman sitting behind open laptop
Payment policy

Private practice essentials for reimbursement

Navigate the process of establishing a successful private practice with AOTA's Private Practice Resource Guide.

Explore resources
Smiling woman renewing association membership on laptop

Connect with your colleagues

All AOTA members are invited to participate in the Private Practice and Entrepreneurship forum on CommunOT!

Join the conversation