Close up of female hands typing on computer keyboard with billing paperwork on tablet
Practice Essentials

Coding and billing resources

Coding and billing of occupational therapy services is a crucial step in getting paid for the services you deliver. AOTA provides clear, easy-to-understand resources below to help you code and bill correctly. Still have questions about coding, billing, or federal payer policies after viewing our resources?

Resources to support coding

Select appropriate ICD-10 and current procedural terminology (CPT®) codes to describe your services.

Female occupational therapist helping senior woman get out of bed and use walker

Choose the most appropriate complexity level for your OT evaluation; distinguish between an evaluation vs. a re-evaluation.

Resources to support billing

Young woman sitting at cafe table reading learning resources on her tablet

Understand different payer methodologies for billing time-based occupational therapy intervention codes.

Professional woman typing on laptop using a standing desk in office

Private practice essentials for reimbursement

Navigate the process of establishing a successful private practice with AOTA's Private Practice Resource Guide.

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