DEIJAB TOOLKIT: Transgender & gender-diverse care

Transgender and gender-diverse children & adolescents

Children identifying as transgender & gender-diverse

The concept of children identifying as transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) has existed in a wide range of cultures for thousands of years (Herdt, 1996). Stages of gender development, similar to stages of gross and fine motor development, may progress at different rates for all children and adolescents. Some may disclose their gender identity in early childhood while some may not disclose it until puberty.

A child’s sense of internal gender is not influenced by family members, friends, or professionals and attempts to change their identity can be extremely harmful (Coleman et al., 2022; Human Rights Campaign, 2016; Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], 2015). When TDG children and adolescents are supported in their identity they benefit from increased mental health, overall well-being, and quality of life (Coleman et al., 2022).

This topic provides a general overview of the various needs of transgender and gender diverse individuals. It not comprehensive or all-encompassing and encourages further discussion and discussion.


Exploring gender expressions & social transitions

Read more on gender exploration and social transition for children and adolescents.

Medical transitions

Explore information on medical transitions for children & adolescents.

Being transgender or gender-diverse in school

The federal government provides guidelines on responding to and supporting students who identify as TGD. As of 2023, some states and schools have enacted anti-transgender policies. OTPs must identify any laws or policies that may affect the occupational participation and justice of TGD students.
