
Driving practitioner directory

Find a driving rehabilitation provider to address driving risks and mobility needs for safe community mobility for all.

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The AOTA Driving Practitioner Directory is made available by AOTA as an informational resource for those who have driving and community mobility concerns. The directory includes the names of providers who offer driving rehabilitation services who have given their permission to be publicly identified. Inclusion in the directory is not an endorsement of the practitioners or the care provided. Practitioners in the directory offer expertise in a wide range of services, and participation in the directory is fully optional.

While we make every effort to keep the directory up to date, we cannot guarantee that the information has not changed since our last update. We also do not claim to have every driver rehabilitation provider included in the directory.

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Is your driving program included in the driver practitioner directory?

Woman sitting on couch reading tablet

If not, you are missing out on referrals and consults, which are important components of practice and how we can best reach members of the community. Whether potential clients are exploring driving possibilities or a physician is assisting a patient in developing a return to driving plan, we want the community to know they can find an occupational therapy practitioner skilled in answering their questions. We invite you to add your program to the Driver Search Database. 

To update or remove your listing please contact us at driverhelp@aota.org for assistance.

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