Making history: Permanent flexibility allows occupational therapists to open home health care cases

Kelly, S., & Van Oss, T. (2022) Making history: Permanent flexibility allows occupational therapists to open home health care cases, SIS Quarterly Practice Connections, 7(4).

On January 1, 2022, history was made when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) implemented the final Calendar year (CY) 2022 Home Health Prospective Payment System (HH PPS) rule, which permanently allows an occupational therapist to perform the initial and comprehensive assessments required to open home health therapy cases. This change occurred as a result of multi-year AOTA Congressional advocacy which culminated in the passage of the Medicare Home Health Flexibility Act in December 2020. This article provides a historical perspective to understand the impact of this change, describe the benefits of occupational therapy opening cases in home health, outline best practice strategies for implementing this new regulatory flexibility, and highlight the benefits of ongoing advocacy in home health care.

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