Identifying and preventing elder financial abuse: Occupational therapy’s role

Marty, a 93-year-old grandfather, answered the phone to hear his “granddaughter” pleading and crying for help, stating she was in a car accident and had injured the other driver. She said she was under the threat of going to jail unless he could give her $25,000 in cash for bail. The granddaughter’s “lawyer” then joined the call and provided Marty with steps to protect his granddaughter, including giving bail money to a driver sent to his home, and swearing to secrecy or else his grandchild would face a criminal record. Scared and wanting to help his granddaughter, Marty did as he was instructed. However, when he confided in his son that he was still worried about his granddaughter, he was met with a blank stare and confusion. His son told him that his granddaughter was perfectly fine, as was the car. It was then they realized Marty had been a victim of elder financial abuse.

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