Supervision requirements
While supervision is an important element of the provision of high quality occupational therapy services, it is also a requirement in all jurisdictions where occupational therapy is regulated.
Supervision in general
In all states and territories that regulate occupational therapy, an occupational therapy assistant must be supervised by an occupational therapist. An occupational therapy aide may be supervised by either an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant. Lastly, a student pursuing a license as an occupational therapist or occupational therapy assistant must be supervised while performing fieldwork or obtaining the required experience for a doctorate degree.
The supervision process
The supervision process is a collaborative one where the supervisor and supervisee (or the person or persons being supervised) work together to ensure that the supervision being provided not only complements the supervisee's experience and promotes the supervisee's professional development, but ensures that clients receive the best possible care and services. The nature of supervision should be determined using various factors including but not limited to the supervisee's experience, the practice setting, number of clients, complexity of client needs, and state requirements.
State requirements vary
State requirements for supervision vary. In some states, there is flexibility provided to the supervisor and supervisee to work together to design a supervision plan that benefits everyone, whereas in other states the frequency and nature of supervision are explicitly stated in law or regulation. It is your responsibility, whether you are a supervisor or supervisee, to understand your role and obligations within the supervisory relationship.