Continuing education and professional development
Learn from the most trusted source of knowledge and professional development for occupational therapy practitioners. AOTA provides highly informative and interactive courses that are created to achieve the best learning outcomes for the adult learner.
Choose topics important to you
You can select from a wide variety of course topics to advance your career and meet your certification and licensure requirements. We offer a variety of course types, from article based courses to multi-module eLearning courses. Our courses are designed to be completed on demand in an asynchronous online format.

Article-based courses
Immerse yourself in downloadable articles written by scholars and master clinicians on a wide range of topics pertinent to your practice area. Look for articles from the American Journal of Occupational Therapy and practice focused Continuing Education Articles.

Included with Plus+ and Premium Memberships
If you are an AOTA member with Plus+ or Premium membership, enjoy unlimited access to over 200 online continuing education courses

eLearning courses
Enjoy our highly interactive, asynchronous, and personal-device-ready online courses that cover current topics of interest across practice areas. These courses take a deep dive into foundational knowledge and skill building needed to provide high quality services to your clients.

Learn and earn
Learn and Earn courses provide you with the deepest dive and coverage of topics ranging from early childhood practice to home modification. An excellent way to prepare yourself for transition to a new practice area or to gain more insight into your current practice area, our Learn and Earn courses are based on reading our most popular textbooks and taking chapter exams to confirm your mastery of the material.

AOTA Learning Portal
OTLearn, AOTA’s professional development learning portal, is a user-friendly platform providing full access to all your continuing education content. Highlights include a customizable dashboard, course progress and end date indicators, important announcements sent directly to your email, and seven years of access to certificates of completion.

Membership means access to CE courses
AOTA members can access more than 190 CE courses, covering all major practice settings with new courses added regularly. Get member-only prices on all CE courses with a Basic Membership. Unlock access to all 190+ CE courses with a Plus+ or Premium Membership.

Micro Credentials and Professional Certificates
AOTA Professional Development now offers Micro Credentials and Professional Certificates. Earn these designations and receive a digital badge when you complete required courses designed to enhance your professional competence and expertise.

Foundations badges
To support you on your professional development pathway, many courses taken for a Foundations badge can also be used to help you fulfill requirements for micro credentials and ultimately a professional certificate.
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Approved Providers
AOTA offers a program that affords Approved Providers the opportunity to assign AOTA CEUs to professional development activities.

Educators: Use AOTA CE in your classroom
Take advantage of AOTA’s selection of online CE courses to expand your classroom instructional content. AOTA’s evidence-informed, highly interactive CE courses cover many topics required by ACOTE® standards, are easy to use, and have been developed by topic experts.
Students who are AOTA members receive a 75% discount (with a group of 10 or more) off the list price on all courses and can access them electronically 24/7. Students can take exams and print certificates or use our instructor portal to view their progress and completion reports.
Digital badges and micro credentials representing multiple areas of practice are also available to your students when they complete the required courses. Digital badge technology has transformed the way learning accomplishments and capabilities are being recognized online. Assist your students in marketing their skills today!