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OT Kids Comic: Taking Screen Breaks

A comic strip about the importance of technology breaks and engaging in other activities. Share with kids, families, or educators.

Panel 1

Image description: Kid lying on the sofa watching TV.
Kid: (thought bubble): “I feel like I’m always looking at a device, either watching TV, working on the computer, playing games on my phone, or Facetiming my friends. What are some other things that I used to like to do?”

Panel 2
Image description: Child in bed, an alarm wakes the child up. Dog on the bed.
Kid: (thought bubble): “Good morning! I’m going to hurry up and wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed. I can’t wait to ride my bike, see friends in person, and play basketball.”

Panel 3
Image description: Kid sitting at a table in front of a filled pitcher of juice and two glasses.
Kid: (thought bubble): “After lunch, I’m going to read my library book, draw, and then take a walk to the playground.”

Panel 4
Image description: Kid getting ready for bed.
Kid (thought bubble): “I had so much fun today. I feel better when I move around and use my imagination in different ways. I can’t wait to do more things tomorrow.”