
WFOT Quality Evaluation Strategy Tool (QUEST)

The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) created the Quality Evaluation Strategy Tool (QUEST) to help occupational therapy practitioners use a common language and strategy to show the value of occupational therapy.

A workgroup of occupational therapists from around the world developed the QUEST over several years. Feedback was then obtained by workshops throughout WFOT member nations. American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) member Tim Reistetter, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, was a part of this process. Reistetter is Associate Dean for Research, School of Health Professions and Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy at UT Health San Antonio. He recounts his experience with the team as very interesting and engaging. The team sought to develop a model that would work across locations, practice settings, and different models of care. The team defined seven quality dimensions that measure occupational therapy from a structural perspective: appropriateness; sustainability; accessibility; efficiency; effectiveness; person-centeredness; and safety.

Core quality indicators defined by QUEST evaluate the availability of competent staff and sustainable resources; accessibility and efficiency of service and attainment of therapy goals; safety; and user satisfaction. Reistetter added that the international connection added depth to the team conversations and strengthened the end product, stating that QUEST provides an exciting opportunity to define a standard approach that can be used to measure and compare quality performance in occupational therapy around the world.

More details and information about QUEST are on the WFOT QUEST webpage, which includes:

  • QUEST Training Course—A free online training course available from WFOT (users will need to register for a free account in the WFOT online learning platform)
  • QUEST Guide—An executive summary and detailed information about QUEST
  • QUEST videos, worksheets, case studies, and glossary.

For more information about quality and occupational therapy, please contact quality@aota.org.

AOTA thanks Tim Reistetter, PhD, OTR, FAOTA, and Claudia von Zweck, PhD, OT Reg (Ont.), for their contributions to this article.

Originally posted: September 2020

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