Student self-care: CHAIH in OT education

Occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) are well equipped to support clients through life challenges and adversity. However, the empathetic nature of the profession puts practitioners at an increased risk of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, which can result in compassion fatigue and facilitate the onset of burnout (Luken & Sammons, 2016).  

Research has revealed the effectiveness of complementary health approaches and integrative health (CHAIH) in decreasing levels of emotional exhaustion, reducing anxiety levels, and promoting health (Chen et al., 2020; Luken & Sammons, 2016). Practitioners are beginning to recognize the value CHAIH can have in conjunction with occupational therapy (OT) practice. Introducing CHAIH into OT education as activities to support occupations is a proactive approach in mitigating stress and burnout in students, with benefits translating into future practice.

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