Advanced Certification program policies

View policies on nondiscrimination, appeal of decisions, and complaints related to the Advanced Certification program.

Nondiscrimination Policy

AOTA’s Advanced Certification Program endorses the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. The Advanced Certification Program does not discriminate with regard to age, gender, ethnic origin, race, religion, disability, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or any other category protected by federal or state law.

Appeal of Decisions

Candidates have the right to appeal an initial adverse decision made by the Advanced Certification Program regarding eligibility for certification or recertification. Note that failure of a candidate to meet an established deadline may not be appealed. Failing an exam, on its own, is not sufficient grounds for appeal. An appeal must be submitted in writing within 30 calendar days following the date of notification of the adverse decision. Written requests for appeal should be submitted using the online Advanced Certification Appeal of Certification Decision Form. Candidates are encouraged to reach out to AOTA staff at with any questions. All appeals will be addressed by the OTACC within 90 days of receipt. Individuals will be notified of OTACC’s decision within 10 days of determination. Decisions about appeals made by the OTACC will be final.


Candidates may submit complaints against the Advanced Certification program by completing the Advanced Certification Program Complaint Form. The complaint and all supporting documentation should be submitted within 30 days of the incident's occurrence. The complaint should include the following:

  • Description of the complaint
  • Sufficient objective evidence to substantiate the claim(s)
  • Suggested outcome

Candidates will receive acknowledgment of receipt of complaint along with description of next steps within 5 business days of submission.

Individuals may submit complaints against an Advanced Certification candidate or certified individual by completing the Advanced Certification Candidate/Certificant Complaint Form. The complaint should include the following:

  • Description of the complaint
  • Sufficient objective evidence to substantiate the claim(s)
  • Individuals will receive acknowledgment of receipt of complaint along with description of next steps within 5 business days of submission.
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