10 Reasons to Write for OT Student Pulse

  1. Brag about something innovative you—or your friends!—are doing.
    You’ll need to promote yourself and your accomplishments in interviews, on projects, and throughout your life. Why not start here, among your friends and fellow student members? But also, maybe you just want to push your best friend / lab partner into the spotlight for great work they do that they don’t brag about enough themselves.
  2. OTSP contributions are an act of Everyday Advocacy.
    Students are the future of occupational therapy! What’s important to you and your career trajectory? Initiate conversations, share your perspectives, and inform other student members—and also current practitioners, faculty, and AOTA staff.
  3. Watch your contributions grow.
    Not only will you contribute to discourse about practice, student experiences, and school tips, but pitching an article to OTSP now earns you points in AOTA’s Volunteer Center!
  4. Step forward as a leader, on your own time.
    Do you find yourself more productive in the late hours of the evening or just before dawn? The ability to flexibly plan on your own is built into this role. If you’re looking to enhance your portfolio, résumé, or social media presence, writing a short article can fit in at whatever time of day works best for your schedule.
  5. Start a conversation.
    Picture this: You’re at AOTA INSPIRE 2024 | Conference & Expo, introducing yourself to someone at a session, and you’ve read their article–or even better, they’ve read yours! What a great icebreaker! Or maybe you write about a cool initiative your SOTA created, and some ASD Reps at other schools reach out to see if they can adapt it for their programs. That’s a legacy!
  6. Tell someone something that former-you needed to hear.
    What do you wish someone told you on your first day of OTA school? What do you wish you’d studied? What assignment do you wish you’d forgiven yourself for getting by with a C? What did you need to hear then...or what do you need to hear now?
  7. Hone your writing skills, without a grade.
    OTSP editors are ready and waiting to help you perfect an outline, find the perfect words, and proofread your final submission. We’ve got your back! And there’s no pressure to meet a final deadline or hit your target GPA.
  8. Share your hard-won lessons.
    Did a fieldwork placement change your entire career plan? Did you find yourself in an ethical quandary and wish you’d handled it a different way? Or do you wish you’d been better prepared for taking the NBCOT exam? Let others learn from your experience!
  9. Feel connected.
    School and the grind can be isolating, especially in a still-sort-of-virtual world. You’re not alone. You’re one of more than 50,000 AOTA members, more than half of whom are students just like you. If you are concerned you’re the only one to ever feel a certain way or do a certain thing, the AOTA member network is here to remind you that you’re not.
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    OTSP is by students, for students, and just like our redesign, it will continue to change and grow. What’s your reason?


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