AOTA Specialty Conference:

Adult Rehabilitation

The Westin Cleveland Downtown | Cleveland, OH | September 13-14, 2024

Pre-conference sessions on September 12.

Image of an older African American couple smiling and dancing.
Reasons to Attend

Reasons to Attend

Hear from your colleagues on topics that are relevant to you in your practice settings with adults. Focused on the latest research, developments, and challenges facing practitioners working with adults, this specialty conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to explore the newest methods for improving outcomes for your clients with various chronic conditions.

Program Information: Specific sessions will be available soon.

Note: All fall events will be in person only.

General Information

Registration, Programming, Hotel & Travel

Learn more about pricing and registration, book your hotel, and plan your airport and travel information for the conference.

Young man standing behind older woman, both looking at laptop screen
Stay Updated!

Stay Updated!

The AOTA Specialty Conference: Adult Rehabilitation will be held from September 13-14, 2024, with pre-conference sessions on September 12, 2024 in Cleveland, OH.

Note: All fall events will be in person only.

Follow #OTrehab on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for updates.

Headshot of Kristen Creel

Exhibit/sponsor with us!

Reach 200+ OTs and OTAs who specialize in Adult Care. Hospital-based care, long-term care, and home health will be represented.

Brand Awareness Options

Exhibit Space ($1,000):

  • 6-foot skirted table to greet attendees and display your corporate materials
  • Exhibitor logo on agenda; recognized on signage at meeting
  • Attendee mailing list for post-event follow up
  • One complimentary attendee registration

Shared Literature/Employment Table ($300)

  • Literature table set up for attendees to review one corporate piece about your company or job opening
  • Attendee mailing list for post-event follow up

Please contact Kristen Creel to reserve your space!