Occupational therapy's unique role in maternal health and well-being

Occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs) who work in maternal health are well equipped to evaluate, assess, and intervene in the areas of basic and instrumental activities of daily living for new mothers and their infants (Davis & Lovegrove, 2019). OTPs initiate the process of occupational therapy by developing an understanding of a woman’s daily routine (what is working well and what is not), interests and motivations, support networks and activities, or occupations she identifies as important for health and well-being (Maternal Mental Health Alliance, 2021). By creating a personalized plan of care addressing physical, emotional, and psychosocial demands, and utilizing a biopsychosocial model of wellness, OTPs can contribute to various stages of the maternity care pathway including pre-conception, antenatal, intrapartum, post-partum, and 1 year post birth (Blount et al., 2021).

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