Work & Industry

Untapped opportunities for occupational therapy practitioners in work participation: A call to action for engagement in the WISIS community

A central focus of occupational therapy (OT) optimizing work participation dates back to the inception of the profession. The early establishment of OT was closely associated with the notion of the “work cure” during World War I and the moral treatment movement in the early 1900s (Christiansen & Haertl, 2014). As the profession evolved, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants (i.e., occupational therapy practitioners [OTPs]) continued to develop evidence-based occupational therapy interventions and frameworks within work and industry (W&I). A recently published book (Pyatak & Lee, 2023) includes a chapter that highlights the broad impact of W&I OT through multiple evidence- and practice-based research studies (Roll, 2023).

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