Using School Resources to Aid in Mental Health
Balancing all the areas of life can feel overwhelming at times. Attending college involves responsibilities and prioritization devoted to academics while juggling various outside responsibilities. Finding the right way to manage stress, using resources to make challenges faced in school easier, and advocating for yourself are crucial for a happy healthy school year.
While in school, tuition costs include free resources available to students. As an OTA student who works, plays a big role in my family, and has mental health issues such as anxiety, here are the resources I’ve learned to use throughout my schooling experience that might be helpful on your own OT journey.
Counseling/Therapy Services
Everyone has hard moments in life; some more than others. Having someone to talk to and process what is going on, or simply having someone you can go to for advice, can change an overwhelming feeling into a more positive one. Your journey is yours alone and cannot be compared to or understood by someone else, but it can be made easier with supportive resources, such as counseling, that colleges provide to students. These services can be found on your school webpage, or you can call your school to get more guidance on where to locate counseling services. During my first semester in school, I did not utilize these resources because I overlooked their value. However, struggling with mental health issues led to me seeking help and making use of these resources, which could have cost me a lot of money outside of school.
Learning Disability Consult
When people hear the word disability, they immediately assume the worst. However, many students have learning disabilities that aren’t prohibitive, but that can make it harder for them to be successful. If you take longer to process information, if you need a lot of time to take a test, or even if you get distracted easily in the classroom, the reason behind this could be a learning disability you were never aware of. By speaking to a learning disability consultant for free, you may find out there is a reason you have certain academic struggles. These professionals specialize in situations like this and can provide you with useful advice to address your specific learning needs.
Financial Aid
Paying for school, food, clothes, housing, etc. can feel like a financial burden. However, The Free Application for Federal Student Aid may be able to provide you with opportunities for grants and financial aid services that can make going to school a lot more affordable. Similarly, colleges and federal student aid provide scholarships that give you a shot at receiving money that can go towards your educational expenses. These resources can be found by using the internet and searching Federal Student Aid. Within this webpage there are tabs that can direct you to information regarding grants, loans, and other beneficial services.
Getting Support
It can be challenging to balance academic life with social life. Don’t be afraid to talk to supportive people such as family, friends, and teachers. Explain to them what is going on and what you might need help with. They may have experience or guidance they can give you to feel understood and less alone. These people can’t understand what you’re going through unless you let them know. For instance, I had to tell my teacher about my severe anxiety. I was nervous to tell her but by doing so she was able to help me and understand when I was having an anxiety attack. At one point, before taking a test she let me get some time to myself to take some deep breaths and return to class in a calmer state. Using support like this can make the difference when stressful situations arise.
Lastly: Believe in Yourself
Don’t be too hard on yourself! School and life are learning experiences. Be proud of the small accomplishments and celebrate them! Little wins are still wins and can lead to big achievements. Throughout life you will learn what works for you and find ways to manage your stressors more easily. Keep your head up and believe in yourself! You can walk through whatever storms may come your way if you tell yourself you can and don’t give up on your goals! YOU GOT THIS!

Caitlyn Shannon is a second year Occupational Therapy Assistant student attending Harcum College. She is set to embark on her geriatric rotation in January 2024, followed by level 2 fieldwork. With over 4 years of healthcare experience, she is eager to enhance her skills and knowledge in occupational therapy and is passionate about helping people regain Independence in their life. Caitlyn appreciates the guidance and instruction from her Harcum teachers, which has prepared her for success. Outside of academics, she enjoys meditation, nature walks, and spending time with the people important to her.