Get to know AOTA’s OT Student Pulse team!

Become familiar with the faces behind the American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA’s) OT Student Pulse team, who work diligently each month to support authors around the country in sharing and publishing their incredible stories! We are so thankful to our team who dedicates their time toward contributing to our platform, always going above and beyond!

Tyler Hood, Associate Editor

Tyler Hood

Hiya! I’m Tyler, from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and am a third-year student in Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine’s Program in Occupational Therapy. I’m currently completing a pediatric fieldwork rotation at a developmental preschool in Arkansas. I’m passionate about learning and teaching, justice, cognition, the intersection of health care and sustainability, and the impact of artificial intelligence on health care and occupational therapy. I joined the Student Pulse team thanks to a colleague in my program and a desire to amplify student voices—there’s so much happening in our field that others may not know about, especially as our scope of practice expands and new opportunities emerge. Being part of this team has been an incredible experience, allowing me to collaborate with peers and share important perspectives. With each article I read, I learn something new. I’m grateful to contribute alongside this amazing team, strengthen my writing skills, and fuel my passion for helping others by elevating the voices of future occupational therapy practitioners!

Mikenzie Hiler, Associate Editor

Mikenzie Hiler

Hello! My name is Kenzie and I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am a third-year OTD student at Carlow University, completing my doctoral capstone experience in mental health for college students along with a capstone project on advocacy for survivors of human trafficking. Throughout my occupational therapy studies, my personal and professional interests have expanded significantly, ranging from reading thriller novels and hiking to taking on leadership roles, attending state and national conferences, and signing up for a study abroad trip to Uganda. In seeking to combine my love for reading with my passion for OT, I discovered an opportunity to become involved with the Student Pulse. My experience with the publication has fostered new connections with other passionate individuals, supported my professional creativity, and expanded my viewpoint of the scope of occupational therapy. Although I am a recent addition to the team as an Associate Editor, I am proud to be part of such an amazing group dedicated to promoting the student voice and creating lasting impacts for the future of our profession.

Kiera Mooney, Associate Editor

Kiera Mooney

Hello! My name is Kiera and I am from Queens, New York. I am currently in my graduate year in the University of Scranton’s Master of Science Occupational Therapy program. Throughout my time in school I have been involved with different clubs including Scranton’s Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA), Colleges Against Cancer, and the school’s first chapter of Go Baby Go. I also had the great opportunity of attending a service trip in the Dominican Republic for one of my Level I fieldworks. During my first Level II fieldwork I met Emily, and she introduced me to the Student Pulse. It was then that I was immediately drawn to the purpose of the Student Pulse in sharing articles written by students, for students. I think that there is so much to learn from the experiences of our peers in the occupational therapy community, and this is a great platform to share these stories! The Pulse has allowed me to collaborate with other emerging occupational therapy professionals and to be able to share insights that can contribute to discussions within the field.

Mya-Ann Tschopp, ASD Communications Representative

Mya-Ann Tschopp

Hi everyone! I’m Mya. I am originally from Montville, Connecticut, but am currently living in New York City. I’m in my final year of the occupational therapy program at New York Institute of Technology, working on my doctoral capstone focused on college students returning to school after concussion. I serve on the Assembly of Student Delegates (ASD) Steering Committee as the Communications Representative. Within this role, I am the communication between the Student Delegates, the Steering Committee, and the American Occupational Therapy Association. I also create a monthly newsletter and social media content for the ASD representatives to deliver to their Student Occupational Therapy Associations and promote events, meetings, and discussions. My role inside the OT Student Pulse connects ASD information to the general student population, amplifies the student voice, and promotes student-focused events and content. I am thankful to be a part of the OT Student Pulse team, which has allowed me to collaborate and network with other committed and passionate students and professionals and contribute to community engagement through creative expression.

Emily Olsen, Senior Editor

Emily Olsen

Hello! My name is Emily. I was born, raised, and still live in Queens, New York. I am a third-year occupational therapy student at the New York Institute of Technology. I am currently working on my capstone, which is the development and implementation of an activities-based support group for adolescents who have lost a parent or sibling. Besides The Pulse, I have also been inducted into my school’s chapter of the Pi Theta Epsilon honor society and served as Student Delegate for the New York State Occupational Therapy Association (NYSOTA). Thanks to my fellow New York Tech classmate and our very own ASD representative Mya, I decided to join the Pulse and I have loved my time here. I have always had a passion for writing, and the Pulse allows me to explore my passions and grow as a future occupational therapist. I hope to work in school-based occupational therapy after I graduate in May.

Breanna Ciardullo, Editor-in-Chief

Breanna Ciardullo

Hi everyone! My name is Breanna, I am originally from Westchester, New York, and am now an elementary school–based occupational therapist in New Jersey. I recently graduated from Quinnipiac University’s Doctor of Occupational Therapy program where I was immersed in various organizations and volunteer positions, such as editing our program’s newsletter. It was empowering being a part of sharing such positive news and stories related to our incredible profession, and I love how the Student Pulse does just this from the student and recent graduate perspective on a nationwide scale. The Pulse provides such a unique outlet for our authors and readers to be and feel seen, and has helped me to deepen my passion for the work we do as occupational therapy practitioners and students while introducing me to such incredible people along the way. We are always looking for contributors to our platform, as authors, readers, or Associate Editors, and we encourage you to consider helping us make a difference!

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