Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey

A message from the AOTA Board of Directors and AOTA DEI Committee

AOTA thanks you for this opportunity to pause and reflect on a matter of critical importance. AOTA rejects and stands against any discriminatory practices that do not uphold our core values of justice, dignity, and equality. Occupational therapy professionals and students face a societal and professional crisis of discrimination and injustice that touches the lives of many members of our community. AOTA stands in solidarity with each of you.

Please watch our video message about our diversity, equity, and inclusion journey:

Our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Journey: A Message from the AOTA Board of Directors and AOTA DEI Committee

We also invite you to participate in “right now” action steps as we continue this journey of diversity, equity, and inclusion:

  • Please share your stories, expertise, resources, and voice to inform our occupational therapy community and contribute to the AOTA DEI+ journey through Dear DEIJA (diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and accessibility), a space for safe and meaningful discussion created by the AOTA DEI Committee on CommunOT. For inclusivity, the forum is open to AOTA members and non-members alike.
  • Nominate yourself or others for AOTA positions and vote in AOTA elections. Your vote matters and contributes to meaningful changes. AOTA’s Volunteer Leadership Development Committee (VLDC) invites AOTA members to nominate themselves as a candidate in the 2023 Special Elections or encourage a colleague to apply for an appointed position.
  • Advocate through AOTA to encourage reform of policies and legislation that have long enabled the practices of discrimination and injustice preventing people from successful participation in occupations. You can ask Congress to support equitable access to a quality education and fund the Allied Health Workforce Diversity Program through AOTA’s Legislative Action Center.

Please watch for new opportunities to participate in this journey with us as we move forward.

Resources include:

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