
AOTA is advocating for you

Your membership allows us to be a powerful voice for the profession. We protect your needs and create new opportunities by advocating on your behalf with the public, at state legislatures, and all the way to Capitol Hill. Our wins impact your everyday practice, from billing and compensation to the scope and reach of occupational therapy. AOTA also supports you, as you raise your voice on behalf of the profession and the people you serve.

Advocacy issues in focus

AOTA works hard every day to protect the profession and preserve access to occupational therapy services. Here are some of the key issues we work on.

Professionally dressed man and woman walking down government building steps
Political action committee

AOTPAC puts OT in the policy spotlight

The American Occupational Therapy Political Action Committee (AOTPAC®) is your doorway to collectively support candidates for federal office who support and understand the policy issues important to our profession—and the clients we serve. AOTPAC serves as an integral part of the AOTA Federal Affairs Team's public policy strategy. Make a contribution, learn more about us, and learn how to get involved.


Get involved and make a difference