How to file an ethics complaint

The Ethics Commission (EC) receives, deliberates, and acts upon complaints it receives when they are filed against AOTA members, or individuals who were AOTA members at the time of the alleged misconduct.

The Enforcement Procedures to the AOTA Occupational Therapy Code of Ethics outline the process for handling a complaint, which is designed to ensure fundamental fairness, objectivity, and confidentiality to all parties before a final decision is reached.

The Code and the Enforcement Procedures are not intended to address private business, legal, or other disputes for which there are other, more appropriate forums for resolution. Whenever feasible and appropriate, individuals should first pursue other corrective steps within the relevant institution or setting to discuss ethical concerns directly with persons perceived to be violating the Code before resorting to AOTA's ethics complaint process. However, the EC will review complaints of unethical conduct that it receives.

Read the enforcement procedures

AOTA occupational therapy code of ethics

Ethics complaint form


The EC develops and adheres to strict rules of confidentiality in every aspect of its work. These rules require all parties to refrain from any communication relating to the existence and subject matter of a complaint. These rules apply to persons who file a complaint, those who are the subject of a complaint, their attorneys, and any witnesses involved with the investigative process. Any person who breaches these rules of confidentiality may become subject to AOTA action, including notification of the appropriate licensure and certification boards.

How to submit

Anyone who wishes to file an ethics complaint, must complete an ethics complaint form in its entirety and provide supporting documentation. This information should be placed in an envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL and sent to the address below.

Alternatively, materials can be sent via secure email to with the subject line: COMPLAINT.

American Occupational Therapy Association

  Attn: Ethics Program Manager/Ethics Office

7501 Wisconsin Ave, Suite 510E

Bethesda, MD 20814

Please note that the EC does not accept anonymous complaints or those submitted by telephone or facsimile.


Supporting documentation

Supporting documentation, including information, evidence, and facts upon which the complaint is based, must be submitted with the complaint form. You are responsible to provide all relevant information to support the allegations of a Code violation for the EC to consider.

Any confidential information such as client, patient, employment, or educational records that are submitted must have identifying information (e.g., names, social security numbers) redacted. Numbers or letters may be used to substitute for names when referring to specific documents or records.

Complaint information and documentation may include but is not limited to:

  • Your relationship with the respondent or circumstances of your acquaintance
  • Date(s) of the incident(s)
  • How and when you observed or became aware of the alleged violation
  • Description of the respondent’s actions and behavior that you believe are in violation and the specific standards of conduct from the Code allegedly violated (e.g., standards of conduct 1A, 2B, and 3C)
  • Descriptions or copies of communication that are relevant to the incident
  • Date(s) and type(s) of action taken to address or resolve the alleged violation, including reports to other agencies and written or verbal communication with the respondent or others
  • Signed and dated witness statements, if applicable.


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