Schools and Early Intervention

AOTA - Supporting school based occupational therapy practitioners

This article was updated at 2:31 pm ET on March 12, 2025

AOTA has been following the reduction in force that took place the evening of March 11th at the Department of Education (ED). As a key agency responsible for administering hundreds of billions of dollars in education funding, the Department plays a critical role in supporting schools, students, and educators nationwide. Beyond funding, ED provides vital oversight to ensure accountability, equity, and quality in education programs across the country.

The full implication of this reduction is still being analyzed; however, AOTA remains committed to advocate for the policies and resources to ensure the Department’s essential functions remain effective and support students, occupational therapy practitioners, and other school-personnel. We are also committed to provide information to practitioners working in schools as it becomes available.

As part of this commitment, AOTA’s policy team has regularly hosted public office hours for school-based occupational therapy practitioners in the past. These will continue in addition to in-person opportunities at AOTA’s annual conference in Philadelphia.

About one-third of all occupational therapy practitioners work in public schools, or early intervention programs, as related services personnel under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA), or Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (SISP) under the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). Occupational therapy practitioners provide a continuum of services and supports to students and personnel through both IDEA and ESSA as administered by the Department.

At the time this article was published, the Administration had not issued a Presidential Executive Order (EO) to dismantle the ED, but it had been widely reported that such action was under consideration. The ED was created when President Jimmy Carter signed the Department of Education Organization Act (P.L. 96-88). This act split the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare into the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services. Essential functions of the ED include implementing the Individuals with Disabilities Act and the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Any attempt to eliminate the ED would require Congress to pass legislation amending or repealing the Department of Education Organization Act. An EO cannot eliminate the ED. While the Chair of the House Education and Workforce Committee has stated he supports Congress taking such an action, he acknowledges the proposed legislation does not have sufficient support in the Senate and is unlikely to be a priority for this Congress.

Federal policies and funding significantly impact how education is administered nationwide; however, state and local governments play a much larger role in the policies that determine how schools function. As a cabinet-level agency the Department provides guidance and expertise to state and local governments, to ensure that students have access to the services, like occupational therapy, that they need for educational success and future career readiness.

AOTA actively supports ED and the laws it administers in various ways. One of the most critical aspects of this support is educating policymakers and staff about the role of school-based occupational therapy. AOTA’s Federal Affairs team collaborates with staff at ED to address challenges and maximize opportunities for occupational therapy practitioners in educational settings. Organizing tours of occupational therapy programs and clinics, providing up-to-date research on school-based occupational therapy, and offering policy recommendations are just some of the ways AOTA ensures decisions are made with using the latest and most complete information.

Additionally, AOTA works in partnership with other organizations, both independently and within coalitions, to shape public policy and help ED achieve its priorities as outlined by IDEA, ESSA and other laws. AOTA works to elevate and promote the profession in school-based settings, ensuring students receive the support they need to thrive, through such activities as Congressional advocacy championing robust federal education funding, highlighting the essential role of occupational therapy practitioners in public schools under ESSA and the IDEA, and recruiting peer reviewers for federal education grants

The most effective advocacy involves constituents speaking directly to their elected officials. Your voice can help make sure that Congress does not put these proposed bills on the legislative agenda. There are three ways you can get involved right now:

  1. Call or write your Members of Congress. Everyone is represented in the Congress by a Member of the House of Representative and two Senators. The ability of the ED to provide vital support to local schools from the national level will ultimately be decided by Congress, so call or write today to urge your Members of Congress to enhance and protect the ED.
  2. Get your friends and families involved. Occupational therapy practitioners aren’t the only ones who benefit from a strong and effective Department of Education. Urge the families of the students you serve, other school staff, and even your friends and family to join the advocacy efforts. This letter is drafted just for them.
  3. Meet with your Members of Congress. There is no more impactful way to advocate for any policy than to meet in-person with your elected representatives or their staff. A meeting to share the story of your life, your work, and your passion, can be all that’s needed to secure your elected official’s support. You don’t have to meet with them in Washington, you can request a meeting at their office closest to you.

AOTA will continue to be a strong advocate for occupational therapy practitioners, for students and their access to occupational therapy services, and for the broader education system. Please join us in these advocacy efforts by taking one of these three actions.

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