In the Classroom

What is the entry-level OTD doctoral capstone and how can you benefit?

The entry-level occupational therapy doctoral (OTD) programs first started in 1998 (Stephenson et al., 2020). There are now 240 programs applying for accreditation, in the process of accreditation, or accredited (Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education [ACOTE], 2021). Entry-level OTD programs have ACOTE® standards addressing additional coursework and competency levels that differ from the other entry-level programs. The doctoral capstone is a key differentiator as it requires a combination of experiential learning and a project that demonstrates synthesis of in-depth knowledge in one or more skill areas (ACOTE, 2018). Other distinctions are the self-directed nature of the doctoral capstone and the mentoring experience versus the supervised experience of Level II fieldwork placements. The doctoral capstone may only commence after the completion of all coursework and Level II fieldwork placements.

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