Occupational therapy in the age of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information, guidance, and advocacy to equip OT practitioners, educators, and students to navigate complex situations related to the coronavirus pandemic. To help all OT practitioners, educators, and students navigate through this uncertain time, we have lifted member-only access to this content.

OT is essential
AOTA conducted 3 surveys to understand the needs of OT practitioners throughout the pandemic. The results? OT is a vital profession for the new normal.

Practitioner well-being
You give so much to your clients and colleagues—we're here to lend a hand as you prioritize your own well-being. Use these resources as you take action to prevent or address acute stress or burnout.

Back to school & virtual school-based services
Navigating the changes in school routines can be difficult. These guides were developed with input from school-based practitioners for returning to the classroom or providing recommendations for virtual solutions.
Additional COVID-19 resources

Decision guides
Guides related to facility procedures, service delivery, and professional issues.

Questions and answers about professional issues.

On-demand webinars about COVID-19 topics across practice settings.

Connect on CommunOT
Your COVID-19 community to ask questions and share ideas.

AJOT COVID-19 special issue
Editorial and case reports about OT's response to COVID-19.

Everyday Evidence COVID-19 podcasts
Case application episodes on pediatric care, outpatient care, and critical care.

AOTA's position on vaccination of the occupational therapy workforce.