Caring for transgender and gender diverse individuals: ADLs and IADLs

Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals’ occupational engagement is negatively impacted by the discrimination they face due to societal level, community level, and interpersonal level rejections based on their identity and expression (Lynch et al., 2021; Meyer & Frost, 2013; Timmins et al., 2020). The goal of this document is to provide general information on occupational therapy practitioners' (OTPs) approach to gender-affirming care with ADLs & IADLs.

It is essential that OTPs are cognizant of potential discriminations their TGD clients face and are aware of how their own biases and stigmas may cause additional occupational oppression (Lynch et al., 2021).

Affirming TGD clients with their correct name and pronouns is a client-centered approach supported by the American Occupational Therapy Association’s (AOTA) policy on Affirming Gender Diversity and Identity (2021) and the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework 4th Edition (OTPF-4; AOTA, 2020).

Through cultural humility, client-centered, and trauma-informed approaches OTPs can help their TGD clients adapt, find resiliency, and participate in occupations that are meaningful to them (Agner, 2020; Lynch et al, 2021).

Disclaimer: This document is meant to introduce readers to the topic and provide a general overview of the various needs of transgender and gender-diverse individuals. It is meant to be neither comprehensive nor all-encompassing, and readers should take the opportunity to engage further on this topic.

Gender-affirming occupations

Occupations can provide opportunities to enforce societal stigmas and binary understandings of gender. On the flip side, occupations can provide opportunities for creative expressions of gender identity (i.e., clothing and other activities that provide a sense of belonging and recognition) (Swenson et al., 2021).

Gender-affirming care is described as a spectrum of social, psychological, behavioral, or medical (including hormonal or surgical) services and resources designed to support and affirm someone’s gender identity (Ellis & Ungco, 2023). From this definition, one can infer that gender-affirming occupations are any occupations that help affirm someone’s authentic gender identity and provides a sense of recognition and belonging (Swenson et al., 2021).

AE/AD Adaptive equipment/assistive device 
DME Durable medical equipment 
GAS  Gender-affirming surgeries 
LGBTQIA+  Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or questioning), Intersex, Asexual, and any and all gender and sexual minority
OTPs Occupational therapy practitioners 
PEOP  Person, environment, occupation, performance 
TGD  Transgender and gender-diverse 

Considerations with caring for TGD individuals ADLs

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are categorized as essential occupations that allow individuals to take care of themselves and support their everyday life within the home and community (OTPF-4; AOTA, 2020).

Considerations with caring for TGD individuals IADLs

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are categorized as essential occupations that allow individuals to take care of themselves and support their everyday life within the home and community (OTPF-4; AOTA, 2020).

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