DEIJAB TOOLKIT: Transgender & gender-diverse care

Caring for transgender & gender-diverse older adults

Many aging transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals have experienced discrimination, non-affirmation of their gender, and stigma throughout their life (Coleman et al., Barefoot et al., 2018). These experiences directly impact their relationship with healthcare systems, as they often have less access to quality healthcare than others, and they face minority stress (Barefoot et al., 2018; Coleman et al., 2022).

Aging transgender and gender-diverse people & health

Aging TGD people may delay seeking care which can worsen health conditions. Research in caring for aging TGD individuals is limited (Barefoot et al., 2018; Coleman et al., 2022). This is an introduction to the topic and provides a general overview of the various needs of transgender and gender diverse individuals in the following ways:

  • barriers TGD and gender and sexual minority (GSM) individuals face,
  • stress factors and resiliency factors, and
  • possible occupations affected.


Understanding personal factors affecting quality of life


As occupational therapy practitioners (OTPs), it is essential to understand the contextual and personal factors that affect clients’ quality of life. Within the literature, TGD older adults identified transportation, social events, senior housing, and support groups as the most needed services (Coleman et al., 2022).

Social determinants of health (SDOH)

There are five SDOH domains, each with contextual factors that impact an individual's health, functioning, and quality of life (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.). Stress and resilience factors within each domain have specific healthcare implications for TGD older adult clients.


Considerations for OTPs when caring for aging TGD clients

Explore additional client-centered approached for aging TGD clients.
