DEIJAB TOOLKIT: Transgender & gender-diverse care

OT Comics: Guide through misgendering in a clinical setting


Download OT Comics: Guide through misgendering in a clinical setting

Panel 1

Image description: Sara, a new OT student and Mia wave to John in the clinic's break room.

Adult 1 (Mia): “Hi John, have you met our newest OT student Sara Sakamoto? She just transferred here. Sorry, they just transferred here. Sorry, Sara.”

Adult 2 (John): “Hi, it is nice to meet you, young lady! Welcome to the team.”

Panel 2

Image description: Later that day, Mia talks to Sara in the hallway in front of an elevator.

Adult 1 (Mia): “Sara, sorry that I keep messing up your pronouns. It is important to me that you feel affirmed, safe, and welcomed. I will continue to improve this! If a person misgenders you in the future, would you prefer that one of your colleagues corrects them?”

Adult 3 (Sara): “Thank you for saying that and for asking me that question. I would prefer to make a decision on my own to correct someone or not.”

Panel 3

Image description: Sara and John meet again in the clinic's break room.

Adult 3 (Sara): “Hi John it was nice meeting you yesterday! I just wanted to let you know my pronouns are they/them and I identify as non-binary. What are your pronouns?”

Adult 2 (John): Hi Sara, my apologies I know I said young lady yesterday. I took a training last year on gender-inclusive language but I am still learning. I use he/him pronouns.”

Panel 4

Image description: Sara and John continue to talk in the break room.

Adult 3 (Sara): “No worries, practicing always helps. I appreciate the effort.”

Adult 2 (John): “Thank you Sara. I want to make sure all our clients and staff members feel welcome here. I appreciate your patience as I am learning something new. I hope you have a great day!”
