DEIJAB TOOLKIT: Transgender & gender-diverse care

OT Comics: Guide through misgendering in an office setting


Download OT Comic: Guide through misgendering in an office setting 

Panel 1

Image description: An occupational therapy assistant greets an office manager and asks for Dr. Morales.

Adult 1: “Hi, good morning! I am looking for Dr. Jorge Morales is he here today?”

Adult 2: “Hi, good morning! They are with a client right now, but I can give them a message.”

Panel 2

Image description: The office manager and the occupational therapy assistant continue to talk.

Adult 2: “Actually, it looks like they just finished. They are over there.”

Adult 1: *lightbulb thought*

Panel 3

Image description: The occupational therapy assistant thanks the office manager

Image caption:

Adult 1: “Thank you! I will go speak with them now. Have a great day!”

Panel 4

Image description: A group of diverse people wave and talk about the importance of misgendering.

Referring to someone with gendered terms that do not reflect their gender identity can be a distressing experience for the individual. It is essential to be respectful of people’s gender identity, so they feel more comfortable, safe, and affirmed. Everyone makes mistakes. Apologize, move on, and make a conscious effort to address them by their authentic gender identity. Thank you for reading!
